Six Advanced Things to Max Up Your Bali Villas Interior Design — Pinkvisualpass2

Evha Prasyad
5 min readJul 4, 2022


In a vacation rental, first impressions matter much. You will find it difficult to obtain the favorable evaluations that promote additional reservations if the images of your property don’t appear welcoming and if your doorway doesn’t make visitors feel at home. A unique interior design can set your vacation rental apart from other one thousand villas in Bali. Here are some of our finest suggestions for designing a unique space in your luxury villa that visitors won’t want to leave.

Give A Distinct Personality to Your Bali Villas

The vacation rentals that always attract bookings are always the one with certain unique touch to it. It can be a wooden triangle mezzanine house in the middle of the woods, a bamboo house, an all-white house with jacuzzi, you get the idea. Having a local experience is one of the reasons tourists pick vacation rentals over hotels. But far too many home owners take the easy road, furnishing their residences with décor that can be purchased at any big-box retailer. The end result is just another cookie-cutter villa Bali with no distinguished style or whatsoever.

What makes a villa unique?

There is the significance of giving decor personality. The region is what visitors want to see via your eyes. So instead of decorating with matchy-matchy vases from national chains, use driftwood you collected at the beach or artwork created by a local artist. Use hues or designs that convey something about you or the area. Make it distinctive. Travelers looking for vacation rentals online may come across 10 listings that are quite similar. Choose a theme and build your interior around the theme.

Let Your Personality Seeps In

One of the main reason guests choose vacation rentals is to experience local culture. Hotels come in all shapes and sizes, but your holiday home is special, so treat it as such!

Don’t use generic paintings and dull furnishings to adorn your beach villa. To give your visitors a truly local feel, use furnishings and accessories made by the community. Don’t forget to inject some of your own individuality as well! The design in your home should reveal a lot about your personality and the neighborhood. But don’t mix it up with your personal life! Avoid displaying your family pictures and personal milestones in the house.

Try to Evoke the Homey Feeling in Your Bali Vacation Rental

Whether you build luxurious Bali villas with private pool or a one bedroom villa, your vacation rentals should have a cozy, welcoming, and comfortable feel to it.

Keep in mind that your visitors are there to unwind, and use the interior design to help create a cozy ambiance. The furniture in a home is one of the major comfort-enhancing elements. To create the most functional space possible, interior design specialists constantly strive to mix furniture with functionality. The distribution of interior space for specific purposes and activities, or space planning, has a significant impact on how your guests use the area and whether they have a good experience.

Fill Up the Blank Walls

Wall deco is a simple way to spice up your vacation home rentals in Bali. The experience of your guests will be impacted if you leave your walls empty because it can make a home look impersonal and dull. To distinguish and add character to your beach property, choose the right artwork. Avoid buying commercial goods and choose something made by a local artisan instead.

Make your own framed artwork or quotes if you can’t find any that you like already made! Use your imagination by hanging the jersey of your neighborhood sports team, a group of shells you collected at the beach, or a stunning mirror. There are countless options!

The True Luxury in Bali Villas is the Quality of Its Furniture

Will you purchase inferior goods if you knew they would malfunction sooner or later? No! Don’t do this to the holiday rental since you wouldn’t do it to your own home.

In order to provide your guests a pleasant stay, it is crucial to invest in high-quality furniture and bedding for your private Bali villas. Among the most essential things you can buy for your vacation rental are high-thread-count linens, comfortable furnishings, and cozy blankets.

We guarantee that visitors can tell the difference! Additionally, you don’t want them to deal with mistreated linens or destroyed furnishings.

Plan Out A Layout with Comfy Spaces

Don’t just cram furniture into your rooms. Consider the layout carefully and how visitors will make use of the area while they are visiting. Secret of an inviting villa is staging. The way you stage your furniture affects how people use your space and if they have a good time there. It will look disorganized if your living room furniture is overly dispersed, with a couch along one wall and a lone chair buried in the distant corner. People struggle to make good use of that space.

It is preferable to position the chairs around a coffee table or other prominent center piece. This encourages people to get together and socialize, which is ultimately why they are on vacation.

Originally published at on July 4, 2022.

